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This function generates a posterior sampling distribution for the elements of the matrix of lagged coefficients \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) over a specific time interval \(\Delta t\) or a range of time intervals using the first-order stochastic differential equation model drift matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Phi}\).


PosteriorBeta(phi, delta_t, ncores = NULL)



Numeric matrix. The drift matrix (\(\boldsymbol{\Phi}\)). phi should have row and column names pertaining to the variables in the system.


Numeric. Time interval (\(\Delta t\)).


Positive integer. Number of cores to use. If ncores = NULL, use a single core. Consider using multiple cores when number of replications R is a large value.


Returns an object of class ctmedmc which is a list with the following elements:


Function call.


Function arguments.


Function used ("PosteriorBeta").


A list with length of length(delta_t).

Each element in the output list has the following elements:


A vector of total, direct, and indirect effects.


A matrix of Monte Carlo total, direct, and indirect effects.


See Total().


Bollen, K. A. (1987). Total, direct, and indirect effects in structural equation models. Sociological Methodology, 17, 37. doi:10.2307/271028

Deboeck, P. R., & Preacher, K. J. (2015). No need to be discrete: A method for continuous time mediation analysis. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 23 (1), 61–75. doi:10.1080/10705511.2014.973960

Ryan, O., & Hamaker, E. L. (2021). Time to intervene: A continuous-time approach to network analysis and centrality. Psychometrika, 87 (1), 214–252. doi:10.1007/s11336-021-09767-0


Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan


phi <- matrix(
  data = c(
    -0.357, 0.771, -0.450,
    0.0, -0.511, 0.729,
    0, 0, -0.693
  nrow = 3
colnames(phi) <- rownames(phi) <- c("x", "m", "y")
vcov_phi_vec <- matrix(
  data = c(
    0.002704274, -0.001475275, 0.000949122,
    -0.001619422, 0.000885122, -0.000569404,
    0.00085493, -0.000465824, 0.000297815,
    -0.001475275, 0.004428442, -0.002642303,
    0.000980573, -0.00271817, 0.001618805,
    -0.000586921, 0.001478421, -0.000871547,
    0.000949122, -0.002642303, 0.006402668,
    -0.000697798, 0.001813471, -0.004043138,
    0.000463086, -0.001120949, 0.002271711,
    -0.001619422, 0.000980573, -0.000697798,
    0.002079286, -0.001152501, 0.000753,
    -0.001528701, 0.000820587, -0.000517524,
    0.000885122, -0.00271817, 0.001813471,
    -0.001152501, 0.00342605, -0.002075005,
    0.000899165, -0.002532849, 0.001475579,
    -0.000569404, 0.001618805, -0.004043138,
    0.000753, -0.002075005, 0.004984032,
    -0.000622255, 0.001634917, -0.003705661,
    0.00085493, -0.000586921, 0.000463086,
    -0.001528701, 0.000899165, -0.000622255,
    0.002060076, -0.001096684, 0.000686386,
    -0.000465824, 0.001478421, -0.001120949,
    0.000820587, -0.002532849, 0.001634917,
    -0.001096684, 0.003328692, -0.001926088,
    0.000297815, -0.000871547, 0.002271711,
    -0.000517524, 0.001475579, -0.003705661,
    0.000686386, -0.001926088, 0.004726235
  nrow = 9

phi <- MCPhi(
  phi = phi,
  vcov_phi_vec = vcov_phi_vec,
  R = 1000L

# Specific time interval ----------------------------------------------------
  phi = phi,
  delta_t = 1
#> Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects
#> $`1`
#>             interval     est     se    R    2.5%   97.5%
#> from x to x        1  0.6999 0.0287 1000  0.6463  0.7612
#> from x to m        1  0.4974 0.0325 1000  0.4313  0.5561
#> from x to y        1 -0.0989 0.0345 1000 -0.1712 -0.0271
#> from m to x        1  0.0012 0.0236 1000 -0.0440  0.0471
#> from m to m        1  0.5999 0.0252 1000  0.5537  0.6525
#> from m to y        1  0.3997 0.0265 1000  0.3450  0.4468
#> from y to x        1  0.0002 0.0278 1000 -0.0546  0.0540
#> from y to m        1  0.0003 0.0283 1000 -0.0581  0.0495
#> from y to y        1  0.4999 0.0296 1000  0.4450  0.5604

# Range of time intervals ---------------------------------------------------
posterior <- PosteriorBeta(
  phi = phi,
  delta_t = 1:5

# Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------
# PosteriorBeta has a number of methods including
# print, summary, confint, and plot
#> Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects
#> $`1`
#>             interval     est     se    R    2.5%   97.5%
#> from x to x        1  0.6999 0.0287 1000  0.6463  0.7612
#> from x to m        1  0.4974 0.0325 1000  0.4313  0.5561
#> from x to y        1 -0.0989 0.0345 1000 -0.1712 -0.0271
#> from m to x        1  0.0012 0.0236 1000 -0.0440  0.0471
#> from m to m        1  0.5999 0.0252 1000  0.5537  0.6525
#> from m to y        1  0.3997 0.0265 1000  0.3450  0.4468
#> from y to x        1  0.0002 0.0278 1000 -0.0546  0.0540
#> from y to m        1  0.0003 0.0283 1000 -0.0581  0.0495
#> from y to y        1  0.4999 0.0296 1000  0.4450  0.5604
#> $`2`
#>             interval    est     se    R    2.5%  97.5%
#> from x to x        2 0.4904 0.0373 1000  0.4259 0.5713
#> from x to m        2 0.6465 0.0399 1000  0.5693 0.7237
#> from x to y        2 0.0802 0.0380 1000  0.0010 0.1503
#> from m to x        2 0.0017 0.0264 1000 -0.0495 0.0525
#> from m to m        2 0.3606 0.0276 1000  0.3095 0.4173
#> from m to y        2 0.4395 0.0264 1000  0.3859 0.4863
#> from y to x        2 0.0002 0.0336 1000 -0.0641 0.0673
#> from y to m        2 0.0004 0.0333 1000 -0.0705 0.0589
#> from y to y        2 0.2500 0.0303 1000  0.1983 0.3168
#> $`3`
#>             interval    est     se    R    2.5%  97.5%
#> from x to x        3 0.3440 0.0386 1000  0.2777 0.4246
#> from x to m        3 0.6318 0.0440 1000  0.5519 0.7199
#> from x to y        3 0.2500 0.0372 1000  0.1714 0.3168
#> from m to x        3 0.0017 0.0256 1000 -0.0501 0.0510
#> from m to m        3 0.2173 0.0292 1000  0.1619 0.2746
#> from m to y        3 0.3637 0.0257 1000  0.3161 0.4152
#> from y to x        3 0.0002 0.0308 1000 -0.0608 0.0603
#> from y to m        3 0.0004 0.0347 1000 -0.0716 0.0643
#> from y to y        3 0.1251 0.0263 1000  0.0769 0.1816
#> $`4`
#>             interval    est     se    R    2.5%  97.5%
#> from x to x        4 0.2416 0.0363 1000  0.1785 0.3180
#> from x to m        4 0.5502 0.0462 1000  0.4682 0.6440
#> from x to y        4 0.3435 0.0356 1000  0.2702 0.4128
#> from m to x        4 0.0015 0.0243 1000 -0.0474 0.0484
#> from m to m        4 0.1313 0.0303 1000  0.0709 0.1930
#> from m to y        4 0.2685 0.0248 1000  0.2244 0.3195
#> from y to x        4 0.0002 0.0253 1000 -0.0502 0.0474
#> from y to m        4 0.0004 0.0346 1000 -0.0685 0.0677
#> from y to y        4 0.0627 0.0230 1000  0.0195 0.1144
#> $`5`
#>             interval    est     se    R    2.5%  97.5%
#> from x to x        5 0.1698 0.0329 1000  0.1133 0.2379
#> from x to m        5 0.4503 0.0462 1000  0.3704 0.5467
#> from x to y        5 0.3678 0.0349 1000  0.2988 0.4364
#> from m to x        5 0.0013 0.0223 1000 -0.0434 0.0434
#> from m to m        5 0.0796 0.0300 1000  0.0210 0.1369
#> from m to y        5 0.1866 0.0233 1000  0.1463 0.2356
#> from y to x        5 0.0001 0.0197 1000 -0.0389 0.0364
#> from y to m        5 0.0003 0.0326 1000 -0.0628 0.0622
#> from y to y        5 0.0315 0.0217 1000 -0.0109 0.0786
#>         effect interval           est         se    R          2.5%       97.5%
#> 1  from x to x        1  0.6998727303 0.02874419 1000  0.6462889460  0.76120035
#> 2  from x to m        1  0.4974115603 0.03250287 1000  0.4312565668  0.55614672
#> 3  from x to y        1 -0.0988698131 0.03450811 1000 -0.1711966562 -0.02712031
#> 4  from m to x        1  0.0012194592 0.02357514 1000 -0.0439685485  0.04709454
#> 5  from m to m        1  0.5999037176 0.02516146 1000  0.5536716508  0.65252806
#> 6  from m to y        1  0.3996936920 0.02651733 1000  0.3449678697  0.44677024
#> 7  from y to x        1  0.0001777681 0.02783525 1000 -0.0546199903  0.05402969
#> 8  from y to m        1  0.0002811788 0.02826560 1000 -0.0580765381  0.04949608
#> 9  from y to y        1  0.4999499530 0.02963807 1000  0.4449697291  0.56041377
#> 10 from x to x        2  0.4904108359 0.03730749 1000  0.4258513857  0.57134451
#> 11 from x to m        2  0.6464960309 0.03993011 1000  0.5692932358  0.72368732
#> 12 from x to y        2  0.0801860185 0.03801436 1000  0.0009847785  0.15026121
#> 13 from m to x        2  0.0016560772 0.02641389 1000 -0.0494795914  0.05254539
#> 14 from m to m        2  0.3606034289 0.02760658 1000  0.3095212718  0.41727181
#> 15 from m to y        2  0.4394840066 0.02636912 1000  0.3858857393  0.48627914
#> 16 from y to x        2  0.0002136330 0.03364269 1000 -0.0640865510  0.06726803
#> 17 from y to m        2  0.0003976794 0.03332371 1000 -0.0704631323  0.05893837
#> 18 from y to y        2  0.2500447650 0.03032819 1000  0.1982570933  0.31680851
#> 19 from x to x        3  0.3440278007 0.03857360 1000  0.2776913328  0.42460456
#> 20 from x to m        3  0.6317939380 0.04401589 1000  0.5518899050  0.71986273
#> 21 from x to y        3  0.2500025539 0.03717269 1000  0.1714055609  0.31676480
#> 22 from m to x        3  0.0016769107 0.02556886 1000 -0.0500984600  0.05097407
#> 23 from m to m        3  0.2172746631 0.02923705 1000  0.1619015515  0.27464565
#> 24 from m to y        3  0.3636871882 0.02571009 1000  0.3160561040  0.41520826
#> 25 from y to x        3  0.0001944509 0.03081685 1000 -0.0607727843  0.06033263
#> 26 from y to m        3  0.0004151402 0.03470710 1000 -0.0716019012  0.06427715
#> 27 from y to y        3  0.1251476966 0.02629282 1000  0.0768693406  0.18158132
#> 28 from x to x        4  0.2415905656 0.03626102 1000  0.1785276878  0.31801393
#> 29 from x to m        4  0.5502092328 0.04616388 1000  0.4681848153  0.64403717
#> 30 from x to y        4  0.3434988524 0.03556656 1000  0.2702171591  0.41284703
#> 31 from m to x        4  0.0015032336 0.02425864 1000 -0.0473558863  0.04842462
#> 32 from m to m        4  0.1312802540 0.03025871 1000  0.0708716805  0.19304789
#> 33 from m to y        4  0.2685029091 0.02475842 1000  0.2244049972  0.31950472
#> 34 from y to x        4  0.0001588444 0.02533021 1000 -0.0501582507  0.04736844
#> 35 from y to m        4  0.0003809551 0.03460230 1000 -0.0685103150  0.06770409
#> 36 from y to y        4  0.0627142886 0.02300625 1000  0.0195400703  0.11438385
#> 37 from x to x        5  0.1698146696 0.03288567 1000  0.1132845507  0.23794510
#> 38 from x to m        5  0.4503390890 0.04622423 1000  0.3703691413  0.54666973
#> 39 from x to y        5  0.3677613807 0.03493623 1000  0.2987759563  0.43636824
#> 40 from m to x        5  0.0012598944 0.02229852 1000 -0.0433611977  0.04336630
#> 41 from m to m        5  0.0795787355 0.02995939 1000  0.0210226823  0.13691271
#> 42 from m to y        5  0.1865612818 0.02329773 1000  0.1462520699  0.23561585
#> 43 from y to x        5  0.0001227840 0.01970441 1000 -0.0388868541  0.03641953
#> 44 from y to m        5  0.0003251813 0.03255914 1000 -0.0628019926  0.06216046
#> 45 from y to y        5  0.0314905661 0.02165501 1000 -0.0109194883  0.07856056
confint(posterior, level = 0.95)
#>         effect interval         2.5 %      97.5 %
#> 1  from x to x        1  0.6462889460  0.76120035
#> 2  from x to m        1  0.4312565668  0.55614672
#> 3  from x to y        1 -0.1711966562 -0.02712031
#> 4  from x to x        2  0.4258513857  0.57134451
#> 5  from x to m        2  0.5692932358  0.72368732
#> 6  from x to y        2  0.0009847785  0.15026121
#> 7  from x to x        3  0.2776913328  0.42460456
#> 8  from x to m        3  0.5518899050  0.71986273
#> 9  from x to y        3  0.1714055609  0.31676480
#> 10 from x to x        4  0.1785276878  0.31801393
#> 11 from x to m        4  0.4681848153  0.64403717
#> 12 from x to y        4  0.2702171591  0.41284703
#> 13 from x to x        5  0.1132845507  0.23794510
#> 14 from x to m        5  0.3703691413  0.54666973
#> 15 from x to y        5  0.2987759563  0.43636824