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This function computes the delta method sampling variance-covariance matrix for the standardized total, direct, and indirect effects of the independent variable \(X\) on the dependent variable \(Y\) through mediator variables \(\mathbf{m}\) over a specific time interval \(\Delta t\) or a range of time intervals using the first-order stochastic differential equation model's drift matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Phi}\) and process noise covariance matrix \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\).


  ncores = NULL,
  tol = 0.01



Numeric matrix. The drift matrix (\(\boldsymbol{\Phi}\)). phi should have row and column names pertaining to the variables in the system.


Numeric matrix. The process noise covariance matrix (\(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\)).


Numeric matrix. The sampling variance-covariance matrix of \(\mathrm{vec} \left( \boldsymbol{\Phi} \right)\) and \(\mathrm{vech} \left( \boldsymbol{\Sigma} \right)\)


Numeric. Time interval (\(\Delta t\)).


Character string. Name of the independent variable \(X\) in phi.


Character string. Name of the dependent variable \(Y\) in phi.


Character vector. Name/s of the mediator variable/s in phi.


Positive integer. Number of cores to use. If ncores = NULL, use a single core. Consider using multiple cores when number of replications R is a large value.


Numeric. Smallest possible time interval to allow.


Returns an object of class ctmeddelta which is a list with the following elements:


Function call.


Function arguments.


Function used ("DeltaMedStd").


A list the length of which is equal to the length of delta_t.

Each element in the output list has the following elements:


Time interval.


Jacobian matrix.


Estimated total, direct, and indirect effects.


Sampling variance-covariance matrix of the estimated total, direct, and indirect effects.


See TotalStd(), DirectStd(), and IndirectStd() for more details.

Delta Method

Let \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) be a vector that combines \(\mathrm{vec} \left( \boldsymbol{\Phi} \right)\), that is, the elements of the \(\boldsymbol{\Phi}\) matrix in vector form sorted column-wise and \(\mathrm{vech} \left( \boldsymbol{\Sigma} \right)\), that is, the unique elements of the \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) matrix in vector form sorted column-wise. Let \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\) be a vector that combines \(\mathrm{vec} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\Phi}} \right)\) and \(\mathrm{vech} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}} \right)\). By the multivariate central limit theory, the function \(\mathbf{g}\) using \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\) as input can be expressed as:

$$ \sqrt{n} \left( \mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right) - \mathbf{g} \left( \boldsymbol{\theta} \right) \right) \xrightarrow[]{ \mathrm{D} } \mathcal{N} \left( 0, \mathbf{J} \boldsymbol{\Gamma} \mathbf{J}^{\prime} \right) $$

where \(\mathbf{J}\) is the matrix of first-order derivatives of the function \(\mathbf{g}\) with respect to the elements of \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\) is the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\).

From the former, we can derive the distribution of \(\mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right)\) as follows:

$$ \mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right) \approx \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{g} \left( \boldsymbol{\theta} \right) , n^{-1} \mathbf{J} \boldsymbol{\Gamma} \mathbf{J}^{\prime} \right) $$

The uncertainty associated with the estimator \(\mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right)\) is, therefore, given by \(n^{-1} \mathbf{J} \boldsymbol{\Gamma} \mathbf{J}^{\prime}\) . When \(\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\) is unknown, by substitution, we can use the estimated sampling variance-covariance matrix of \(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}\), that is, \(\hat{\mathbb{V}} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right)\) for \(n^{-1} \boldsymbol{\Gamma}\). Therefore, the sampling variance-covariance matrix of \(\mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right)\) is given by

$$ \mathbf{g} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right) \approx \mathcal{N} \left( \mathbf{g} \left( \boldsymbol{\theta} \right) , \mathbf{J} \hat{\mathbb{V}} \left( \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \right) \mathbf{J}^{\prime} \right) . $$


Bollen, K. A. (1987). Total, direct, and indirect effects in structural equation models. Sociological Methodology, 17, 37. doi:10.2307/271028

Deboeck, P. R., & Preacher, K. J. (2015). No need to be discrete: A method for continuous time mediation analysis. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 23 (1), 61–75. doi:10.1080/10705511.2014.973960

Ryan, O., & Hamaker, E. L. (2021). Time to intervene: A continuous-time approach to network analysis and centrality. Psychometrika, 87 (1), 214–252. doi:10.1007/s11336-021-09767-0


Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan


phi <- matrix(
  data = c(
    -0.357, 0.771, -0.450,
    0.0, -0.511, 0.729,
    0, 0, -0.693
  nrow = 3
colnames(phi) <- rownames(phi) <- c("x", "m", "y")
sigma <- matrix(
  data = c(
    0.24455556, 0.02201587, -0.05004762,
    0.02201587, 0.07067800, 0.01539456,
    -0.05004762, 0.01539456, 0.07553061
  nrow = 3
vcov_theta <- matrix(
  data = c(
    0.00843, 0.00040, -0.00151, -0.00600, -0.00033,
    0.00110, 0.00324, 0.00020, -0.00061, -0.00115,
    0.00011, 0.00015, 0.00001, -0.00002, -0.00001,
    0.00040, 0.00374, 0.00016, -0.00022, -0.00273,
    -0.00016, 0.00009, 0.00150, 0.00012, -0.00010,
    -0.00026, 0.00002, 0.00012, 0.00004, -0.00001,
    -0.00151, 0.00016, 0.00389, 0.00103, -0.00007,
    -0.00283, -0.00050, 0.00000, 0.00156, 0.00021,
    -0.00005, -0.00031, 0.00001, 0.00007, 0.00006,
    -0.00600, -0.00022, 0.00103, 0.00644, 0.00031,
    -0.00119, -0.00374, -0.00021, 0.00070, 0.00064,
    -0.00015, -0.00005, 0.00000, 0.00003, -0.00001,
    -0.00033, -0.00273, -0.00007, 0.00031, 0.00287,
    0.00013, -0.00014, -0.00170, -0.00012, 0.00006,
    0.00014, -0.00001, -0.00015, 0.00000, 0.00001,
    0.00110, -0.00016, -0.00283, -0.00119, 0.00013,
    0.00297, 0.00063, -0.00004, -0.00177, -0.00013,
    0.00005, 0.00017, -0.00002, -0.00008, 0.00001,
    0.00324, 0.00009, -0.00050, -0.00374, -0.00014,
    0.00063, 0.00495, 0.00024, -0.00093, -0.00020,
    0.00006, -0.00010, 0.00000, -0.00001, 0.00004,
    0.00020, 0.00150, 0.00000, -0.00021, -0.00170,
    -0.00004, 0.00024, 0.00214, 0.00012, -0.00002,
    -0.00004, 0.00000, 0.00006, -0.00005, -0.00001,
    -0.00061, 0.00012, 0.00156, 0.00070, -0.00012,
    -0.00177, -0.00093, 0.00012, 0.00223, 0.00004,
    -0.00002, -0.00003, 0.00001, 0.00003, -0.00013,
    -0.00115, -0.00010, 0.00021, 0.00064, 0.00006,
    -0.00013, -0.00020, -0.00002, 0.00004, 0.00057,
    0.00001, -0.00009, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00001,
    0.00011, -0.00026, -0.00005, -0.00015, 0.00014,
    0.00005, 0.00006, -0.00004, -0.00002, 0.00001,
    0.00012, 0.00001, 0.00000, -0.00002, 0.00000,
    0.00015, 0.00002, -0.00031, -0.00005, -0.00001,
    0.00017, -0.00010, 0.00000, -0.00003, -0.00009,
    0.00001, 0.00014, 0.00000, 0.00000, -0.00005,
    0.00001, 0.00012, 0.00001, 0.00000, -0.00015,
    -0.00002, 0.00000, 0.00006, 0.00001, 0.00000,
    0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00010, 0.00001, 0.00000,
    -0.00002, 0.00004, 0.00007, 0.00003, 0.00000,
    -0.00008, -0.00001, -0.00005, 0.00003, 0.00000,
    -0.00002, 0.00000, 0.00001, 0.00005, 0.00001,
    -0.00001, -0.00001, 0.00006, -0.00001, 0.00001,
    0.00001, 0.00004, -0.00001, -0.00013, 0.00001,
    0.00000, -0.00005, 0.00000, 0.00001, 0.00012
  nrow = 15

# Specific time interval ----------------------------------------------------
  phi = phi,
  sigma = sigma,
  vcov_theta = vcov_theta,
  delta_t = 1,
  from = "x",
  to = "y",
  med = "m"
#> Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects
#> $`1`
#>          interval     est     se       z     p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           1 -0.0936 0.0284 -3.2966 0.001 -0.1493 -0.0380
#> direct          1 -0.2503 0.0403 -6.2072 0.000 -0.3293 -0.1713
#> indirect        1  0.1567 0.0214  7.3215 0.000  0.1147  0.1986

# Range of time intervals ---------------------------------------------------
delta <- DeltaMedStd(
  phi = phi,
  sigma = sigma,
  vcov_theta = vcov_theta,
  delta_t = 1:5,
  from = "x",
  to = "y",
  med = "m"

# Methods -------------------------------------------------------------------
# DeltaMedStd has a number of methods including
# print, summary, confint, and plot
#> Total, Direct, and Indirect Effects
#> $`1`
#>          interval     est     se       z     p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           1 -0.0936 0.0284 -3.2966 0.001 -0.1493 -0.0380
#> direct          1 -0.2503 0.0403 -6.2072 0.000 -0.3293 -0.1713
#> indirect        1  0.1567 0.0214  7.3215 0.000  0.1147  0.1986
#> $`2`
#>          interval     est     se       z      p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           2  0.0748 0.0341  2.1936 0.0283  0.0080  0.1416
#> direct          2 -0.3003 0.0553 -5.4340 0.0000 -0.4086 -0.1920
#> indirect        2  0.3751 0.0549  6.8283 0.0000  0.2674  0.4828
#> $`3`
#>          interval     est     se       z p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           3  0.2347 0.0434  5.4129 0  0.1497  0.3197
#> direct          3 -0.2728 0.0596 -4.5782 0 -0.3895 -0.1560
#> indirect        3  0.5075 0.0813  6.2407 0  0.3481  0.6669
#> $`4`
#>          interval     est     se       z     p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           4  0.3228 0.0526  6.1421 0e+00  0.2198  0.4258
#> direct          4 -0.2222 0.0582 -3.8205 1e-04 -0.3361 -0.1082
#> indirect        4  0.5450 0.0957  5.6944 0e+00  0.3574  0.7325
#> $`5`
#>          interval     est     se       z      p    2.5%   97.5%
#> total           5  0.3456 0.0578  5.9813 0.0000  0.2323  0.4588
#> direct          5 -0.1711 0.0534 -3.2018 0.0014 -0.2759 -0.0664
#> indirect        5  0.5167 0.0991  5.2128 0.0000  0.3224  0.7110
#>      effect interval         est         se         z            p         2.5%
#> 1     total        1 -0.09362266 0.02839956 -3.296624 9.785454e-04 -0.149284778
#> 2    direct        1 -0.25030140 0.04032409 -6.207242 5.392257e-10 -0.329335165
#> 3  indirect        1  0.15667873 0.02139990  7.321469 2.452705e-13  0.114735694
#> 4     total        2  0.07477656 0.03408921  2.193555 2.826742e-02  0.007962932
#> 5    direct        2 -0.30032315 0.05526693 -5.434048 5.508981e-08 -0.408644350
#> 6  indirect        2  0.37509972 0.05493323  6.828285 8.593600e-12  0.267432566
#> 7     total        3  0.23472850 0.04336496  5.412861 6.202580e-08  0.149734736
#> 8    direct        3 -0.27275165 0.05957594 -4.578218 4.689527e-06 -0.389518344
#> 9  indirect        3  0.50748016 0.08131758  6.240719 4.355637e-10  0.348100637
#> 10    total        4  0.32280682 0.05255619  6.142127 8.142363e-10  0.219798571
#> 11   direct        4 -0.22216560 0.05815057 -3.820523 1.331688e-04 -0.336138613
#> 12 indirect        4  0.54497241 0.09570351  5.694382 1.238193e-08  0.357396972
#> 13    total        5  0.34557261 0.05777557  5.981293 2.213737e-09  0.232334570
#> 14   direct        5 -0.17111843 0.05344454 -3.201794 1.365746e-03 -0.275867809
#> 15 indirect        5  0.51669104 0.09911975  5.212796 1.860156e-07  0.322419893
#>          97.5%
#> 1  -0.03796055
#> 2  -0.17126763
#> 3   0.19862177
#> 4   0.14159019
#> 5  -0.19200196
#> 6   0.48276686
#> 7   0.31972227
#> 8  -0.15598496
#> 9   0.66685968
#> 10  0.42581506
#> 11 -0.10819258
#> 12  0.73254786
#> 13  0.45881066
#> 14 -0.06636904
#> 15  0.71096219
confint(delta, level = 0.95)
#>      effect interval        2.5 %      97.5 %
#> 1     total        1 -0.149284778 -0.03796055
#> 2    direct        1 -0.329335165 -0.17126763
#> 3  indirect        1  0.114735694  0.19862177
#> 4     total        2  0.007962932  0.14159019
#> 5    direct        2 -0.408644350 -0.19200196
#> 6  indirect        2  0.267432566  0.48276686
#> 7     total        3  0.149734736  0.31972227
#> 8    direct        3 -0.389518344 -0.15598496
#> 9  indirect        3  0.348100637  0.66685968
#> 10    total        4  0.219798571  0.42581506
#> 11   direct        4 -0.336138613 -0.10819258
#> 12 indirect        4  0.357396972  0.73254786
#> 13    total        5  0.232334570  0.45881066
#> 14   direct        5 -0.275867809 -0.06636904
#> 15 indirect        5  0.322419893  0.71096219