Calculates Monte Carlo confidence intervals for free and defined parameters. Missing values are handled using multilple imputation.
R = 20000L,
alpha = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05),
decomposition = "eigen",
pd = TRUE,
tol = 1e-06,
seed = NULL
- lav
Object of class
.- mi
Object of class
(output ofmice::mice()
), object of classamelia
(output ofAmelia::amelia()
), or a list of multiply imputed data sets.- R
Positive integer. Number of Monte Carlo replications.
- alpha
Numeric vector. Significance level \(\alpha\).
- decomposition
Character string. Matrix decomposition of the sampling variance-covariance matrix for the data generation. If
decomposition = "chol"
, use Cholesky decomposition. Ifdecomposition = "eigen"
, use eigenvalue decomposition. Ifdecomposition = "svd"
, use singular value decomposition.- pd
Logical. If
pd = TRUE
, check if the sampling variance-covariance matrix is positive definite usingtol
.- tol
Numeric. Tolerance used for
.- seed
Integer. Random seed for reproducibility.
Returns an object of class semmcci
which is
a list with the following elements:
- call
Function call.
- args
List of function arguments.
- thetahat
Parameter estimates \(\hat{\theta}\).
- thetahatstar
Sampling distribution of parameter estimates \(\hat{\theta}^{\ast}\).
- fun
Function used ("MCMI").
A sampling distribution of parameter estimates is generated
from the multivariate normal distribution
using the parameter estimates and the sampling variance-covariance matrix
obtained using multiple imputation.
Confidence intervals for free and defined parameters
are generated using the simulated sampling distribution.
Parameters can be defined using the :=
in the lavaan
model syntax.
Pesigan, I. J. A., & Cheung, S. F. (2023). Monte Carlo confidence intervals for the indirect effect with missing data. Behavior Research Methods. doi:10.3758/s13428-023-02114-4
Rubin, D. B. (1987). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
# Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data("Tal.Or", package = "psych")
df <- mice::ampute(Tal.Or)$amp
# Monte Carlo (Multiple Imputation) ----------------------------------------
## Multiple Imputation -----------------------------------------------------
mi <- mice::mice(
data = df,
print = FALSE,
m = 5L, # use a large value e.g., 100L for actual research,
seed = 42
## Fit Model in lavaan -----------------------------------------------------
model <- "
reaction ~ cp * cond + b * pmi
pmi ~ a * cond
cond ~~ cond
indirect := a * b
direct := cp
total := cp + (a * b)
fit <- sem(data = df, model = model) # use default listwise deletion
## MCMI() ------------------------------------------------------------------
mi = mi,
R = 5L, # use a large value e.g., 20000L for actual research
alpha = 0.05
#> Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals (Multiple Imputation Estimates)
#> est se R 2.5% 97.5%
#> cp 0.1898 0.2120 5 -0.2329 0.2508
#> b 0.4956 0.0457 5 0.3583 0.4688
#> a 0.5468 0.2241 5 0.5814 1.0848
#> cond~~cond 0.2491 0.0454 5 0.1904 0.2961
#> reaction~~reaction 1.9358 0.1588 5 1.8555 2.1767
#> pmi~~pmi 1.6766 0.2001 5 1.3038 1.7446
#> indirect 0.2708 0.0759 5 0.2451 0.4194
#> direct 0.1898 0.2120 5 -0.2329 0.2508
#> total 0.4606 0.2264 5 0.1693 0.6340