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Research compendium for the manuscript Pesigan, I. J. A., & Cheung, S. F. (2023). Monte Carlo confidence intervals for the indirect effect with missing data. Behavior Research Methods.


The simulation was performed in part at the High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC) which is supported by the Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO) of the University of Macau. See for more information on the University of Macau’s High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC). We used the third-generation HPCC (Coral) particularly the serial-normal and serial-short cluster partitions. See .sim/ and the scripts in the .sim folder in the GitHub repository for more details on how the simulation was performed.


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if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")

See Containers for containerized versions of the package.

R Package

Monte Carlo confidence intervals for free and defined parameters in models fitted in the structural equation modeling package lavaan can be generated using the semmcci package. semmcci is available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) ( Documentation and examples can be found in the accompanying website (

More Information

See GitHub Pages for package documentation.


To cite semmcci in publications, please cite Pesigan & Cheung (2023).


Pesigan, I. J. A., & Cheung, S. F. (2023). Monte Carlo confidence intervals for the indirect effect with missing data. Behavior Research Methods.