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Docker and Apptainer are required to build the containers described below.

Apptainer/Singularity Image File

The simulation was performed using the Apptainer/Singularity manmcmedmiss.sif image file. The image is an Archlinux container with the manMCMedMiss package and all the dependencies pre-installed.

To build the Apptainer/Singularity image file (manmcmedmiss.sif), run the following.

git clone
cd docker-manmcmedmiss

NOTE: For complete reproducibility of the software stack, the actual manmcmedmiss.sif used in the simulations can be requested from the maintainer of this GitHub repository.

RStudio IDE Docker Container

To facilitate exploration of the package, we created a Docker container based on the Rocker Project. The manMCMedMiss package and all the dependencies are pre-installed and can be accessed in the browser using the Rstudio IDE.


To build the container, run the following.

git clone
cd docker-manmcmedmiss-rocker
docker build -t manmcmedmiss-rocker .


To launch Rstudio Server, run the following.

docker run --rm -ti -e PASSWORD=yourpassword -p 8787:8787 manmcmedmiss-rocker

Open http://localhost:8787 on your web browser to launch Rstudio Server.

  • username: rstudio
  • password: yourpassword