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In this example, a multiple regression model is fitted using program quality ratings (QUALITY) as the regressand/outcome variable and number of published articles attributed to the program faculty members (NARTIC), percent of faculty members holding research grants (PCTGRT), and percentage of program graduates who received support (PCTSUPP) as regressor/predictor variables using a data set from 1982 ratings of 46 doctoral programs in psychology in the USA (National Research Council, 1982). Confidence intervals for the standardized regression coefficients are generated using the BetaNB() function from the betaNB package.

df <- betaNB::nas1982


Fit the regression model using the lm() function.

object <- lm(QUALITY ~ NARTIC + PCTGRT + PCTSUPP, data = df)

Nonparametric Bootstrap

nb <- NB(object)

Standardized Regression Slopes

out <- BetaNB(nb, alpha = 0.05)



Summary of the results of BetaNB().

Percentile Confidence Intervals

summary(out, type = "pc")
#> Call:
#> BetaNB(object = nb, alpha = 0.05)
#> Standardized regression slopes
#> type = "pc"
#>            est     se    R   2.5%  97.5%
#> NARTIC  0.4951 0.0721 5000 0.3534 0.6393
#> PCTGRT  0.3915 0.0763 5000 0.2353 0.5364
#> PCTSUPP 0.2632 0.0792 5000 0.1038 0.4172

Bias Corrected Confidence Intervals

summary(out, type = "bc")
#> Call:
#> BetaNB(object = nb, alpha = 0.05)
#> Standardized regression slopes
#> type = "bc"
#>            est     se    R   2.5%  97.5%
#> NARTIC  0.4951 0.0721 5000 0.3531 0.6391
#> PCTGRT  0.3915 0.0763 5000 0.2339 0.5354
#> PCTSUPP 0.2632 0.0792 5000 0.1106 0.4241

Bias Corrected and Accelerated Confidence Intervals

summary(out, type = "bca")
#> Call:
#> BetaNB(object = nb, alpha = 0.05)
#> Standardized regression slopes
#> type = "bca"
#>            est     se    R   2.5%  97.5%
#> NARTIC  0.4951 0.0721 5000 0.3547 0.6404
#> PCTGRT  0.3915 0.0763 5000 0.2376 0.5405
#> PCTSUPP 0.2632 0.0792 5000 0.1024 0.4156


Return the vector of estimates.

#> 0.4951451 0.3914887 0.2632477


Return the sampling covariance matrix.

#>               NARTIC       PCTGRT      PCTSUPP
#> NARTIC   0.005195205 -0.003051844 -0.001843138
#> PCTGRT  -0.003051844  0.005822920 -0.002077258
#> PCTSUPP -0.001843138 -0.002077258  0.006272927


Return confidence intervals.

Percentile Confidence Intervals

confint(out, level = 0.95, type = "pc")
#>             2.5 %    97.5 %
#> NARTIC  0.3533981 0.6393364
#> PCTGRT  0.2352860 0.5363628
#> PCTSUPP 0.1038004 0.4172450

Bias Corrected Confidence Intervals

confint(out, level = 0.95, type = "bc")
#>             2.5 %    97.5 %
#> NARTIC  0.3530575 0.6390519
#> PCTGRT  0.2338723 0.5353540
#> PCTSUPP 0.1106477 0.4241144

Bias Corrected and Accelerated Confidence Intervals

confint(out, level = 0.95, type = "bca")
#>             2.5 %    97.5 %
#> NARTIC  0.3547319 0.6404196
#> PCTGRT  0.2376124 0.5405394
#> PCTSUPP 0.1023588 0.4156483
