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We compare the Monte Carlo (MC) method with nonparametric bootstrapping (NB) using the simple mediation model with missing data using multiple imputation. One advantage of MC over NB is speed. This is because the model is only fitted once in MC whereas it is fitted many times in NB.


n <- 1000
a <- 0.50
b <- 0.50
cp <- 0.25
s2_em <- 1 - a^2
s2_ey <- 1 - cp^2 - a^2 * b^2 - b^2 * s2_em - 2 * cp * a * b
em <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(s2_em))
ey <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(s2_ey))
X <- rnorm(n = n)
M <- a * X + em
Y <- cp * X + b * M + ey
df <- data.frame(X, M, Y)

# Create data set with missing values.

miss <- sample(1:dim(df)[1], 300)
df[miss[1:100], "X"] <- NA
df[miss[101:200], "M"] <- NA
df[miss[201:300], "Y"] <- NA

Multiple Imputation

Perform the appropriate multiple imputation approach to deal with missing values. In this example, we impute multivariate missing data under the normal model.

mi <- amelia(
  x = df,
  m = 5L,
  p2s = 0

Model Specification

The indirect effect is defined by the product of the slopes of paths X to M labeled as a and M to Y labeled as b. In this example, we are interested in the confidence intervals of indirect defined as the product of a and b using the := operator in the lavaan model syntax.

model <- "
  Y ~ cp * X + b * M
  M ~ a * X
  X ~~ X
  indirect := a * b
  direct := cp
  total := cp + (a * b)

Model Fitting

We can now fit the model using the sem() function from lavaan. We do not need to deal with missing values in this stage.

fit <- sem(data = df, model = model)

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals (Multiple Imputation)

The fit lavaan object and mi mids object can then be passed to the MCMI() function from semmcci to generate Monte Carlo confidence intervals using multiple imputation as described in Pesigan and Cheung (2023).

MCMI(fit, R = 100L, alpha = 0.05, mi = mi)
#> Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals (Multiple Imputation Estimates)
#>             est     se   R   2.5%  97.5%
#> cp       0.2274 0.0303 100 0.1761 0.2971
#> b        0.5192 0.0332 100 0.4510 0.5769
#> a        0.4790 0.0292 100 0.4202 0.5305
#> X~~X     1.0613 0.0441 100 0.9796 1.1444
#> Y~~Y     0.5439 0.0241 100 0.4994 0.5876
#> M~~M     0.7642 0.0396 100 0.7030 0.8402
#> indirect 0.2486 0.0173 100 0.2160 0.2747
#> direct   0.2274 0.0303 100 0.1761 0.2971
#> total    0.4760 0.0291 100 0.4271 0.5509

Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals (Multiple Imputation)

Nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals can be generated in bmemLavaan using the following.

  bmemLavaan::bmem(data = df, model = model, method = "mi", boot = 100L, m = 5L)
#> Estimate method:                          multiple imputation
#> Sample size:                              1000      
#> Number of request bootstrap draws:        100       
#> Number of successful bootstrap draws:     100       
#> Type of confidence interval:              perc
#> Values of statistics:
#>                      Value      SE      2.5%     97.5%
#>   chisq               0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   
#>   GFI                 1.000    0.000    1.000    1.000   
#>   AGFI                1.000    0.000    1.000    1.000   
#>   RMSEA               0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   
#>   NFI                 1.000    0.000    1.000    1.000   
#>   NNFI                1.000    0.000    1.000    1.000   
#>   CFI                 1.000    0.000    1.000    1.000   
#>   BIC                 7742.967 81.777   7575.258 7857.675
#>   SRMR                0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   
#> Estimation of parameters:
#>                      Estimate   SE      2.5%     97.5%
#> Regressions:
#>   Y ~
#>     X        (cp)     0.234    0.030    0.176    0.296
#>     M         (b)     0.513    0.032    0.460    0.570
#>   M ~
#>     X         (a)     0.476    0.030    0.426    0.540
#> Variances:
#>     X                 1.057    0.046    0.950    1.144
#>     Y                 0.556    0.027    0.488    0.600
#>     M                 0.755    0.035    0.684    0.813
#> Defined parameters:
#>     a*b    (indr)     0.244    0.020    0.206    0.285
#>     cp     (drct)     0.234    0.030    0.176    0.296
#>     cp+(*) (totl)     0.479    0.030    0.428    0.539



Variables Values Notes
R 100 Number of Monte Carlo replications.
B 100 Number of bootstrap samples.
m 5 Number of imputations.


benchmark_mi_01 <- microbenchmark(
  MC = {
    fit <- sem(
      data = df,
      model = model
    mi <- Amelia::amelia(
      x = df,
      m = m,
      p2s = 0
      R = R,
      decomposition = "chol",
      pd = FALSE,
      mi = mi
  NB = bmemLavaan::bmem(
    data = df,
    model = model,
    method = "mi",
    boot = B,
    m = m
  times = 10

Summary of Benchmark Results

summary(benchmark_mi_01, unit = "ms")
#>   expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval
#> 1   MC   368.0412   437.2158   458.1068   475.4443   486.0285   492.7675    10
#> 2   NB 40535.6089 41156.2078 42297.1027 42077.2300 42965.1487 44748.3086    10

Summary of Benchmark Results Relative to the Faster Method

summary(benchmark_mi_01, unit = "relative")
#>   expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> 1   MC   1.0000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000  1.00000    10
#> 2   NB 110.1388 94.13248 92.33023 88.50086 88.40048 90.81018    10


Benchmark - Monte Carlo Method with Precalculated Estimates and Multiple Imputation

fit <- sem(
  data = df,
  model = model
mi <- Amelia::amelia(
  x = df,
  m = m,
  p2s = 0
benchmark_mi_02 <- microbenchmark(
  MC = MCMI(
    R = R,
    decomposition = "chol",
    pd = FALSE,
    mi = mi
  NB = bmemLavaan::bmem(
    data = df,
    model = model,
    method = "mi",
    boot = B,
    m = m
  times = 10

Summary of Benchmark Results

summary(benchmark_mi_02, unit = "ms")
#>   expr        min         lq       mean     median        uq        max neval
#> 1   MC   228.6275   286.7165   318.5973   333.1918   353.131   374.9326    10
#> 2   NB 41033.9483 43091.2840 44699.1419 44119.5682 44616.917 51380.0153    10

Summary of Benchmark Results Relative to the Faster Method

summary(benchmark_mi_02, unit = "relative")
#>   expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq     max neval
#> 1   MC   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.000    10
#> 2   NB 179.4795 150.2923 140.2998 132.4149 126.3467 137.038    10



Pesigan, I. J. A., & Cheung, S. F. (2023). Monte Carlo confidence intervals for the indirect effect with missing data. Behavior Research Methods.