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We compare the Monte Carlo (MC) method with nonparametric bootstrapping (NB) using the simple mediation model with missing data using full-information maximum likelihood. One advantage of MC over NB is speed. This is because the model is only fitted once in MC whereas it is fitted many times in NB.


n <- 1000
a <- 0.50
b <- 0.50
cp <- 0.25
s2_em <- 1 - a^2
s2_ey <- 1 - cp^2 - a^2 * b^2 - b^2 * s2_em - 2 * cp * a * b
em <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(s2_em))
ey <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(s2_ey))
X <- rnorm(n = n)
M <- a * X + em
Y <- cp * X + b * M + ey
df <- data.frame(X, M, Y)

# Create data set with missing values.

miss <- sample(1:dim(df)[1], 300)
df[miss[1:100], "X"] <- NA
df[miss[101:200], "M"] <- NA
df[miss[201:300], "Y"] <- NA

Model Specification

The indirect effect is defined by the product of the slopes of paths X to M labeled as a and M to Y labeled as b. In this example, we are interested in the confidence intervals of indirect defined as the product of a and b using the := operator in the lavaan model syntax.

model <- "
  Y ~ cp * X + b * M
  M ~ a * X
  X ~~ X
  indirect := a * b
  direct := cp
  total := cp + (a * b)

Model Fitting

We can now fit the model using the sem() function from lavaan. We are using missing = "fiml" to handle missing data in lavaan.

fit <- sem(data = df, model = model)

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals

The fit lavaan object can then be passed to the MC() function from semmcci to generate Monte Carlo confidence intervals.

MC(fit, R = 100L, alpha = 0.05)
#> Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals
#>             est     se   R   2.5%  97.5%
#> cp       0.2419 0.0332 100 0.1792 0.3070
#> b        0.5166 0.0308 100 0.4580 0.5785
#> a        0.4989 0.0319 100 0.4448 0.5615
#> X~~X     1.0951 0.0621 100 0.9856 1.2026
#> Y~~Y     0.5796 0.0307 100 0.5257 0.6413
#> M~~M     0.8045 0.0464 100 0.7325 0.9106
#> indirect 0.2577 0.0210 100 0.2234 0.3031
#> direct   0.2419 0.0332 100 0.1792 0.3070
#> total    0.4996 0.0322 100 0.4550 0.5681

Nonparametric Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

Nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals can be generated in lavaan using the following.

    data = df,
    model = model,
    missing = "fiml",
    se = "bootstrap",
    bootstrap = 100L
#>         lhs op      rhs    label    est    se      z pvalue ci.lower ci.upper
#> 1         Y  ~        X       cp  0.234 0.030  7.721  0.000    0.169    0.287
#> 2         Y  ~        M        b  0.511 0.035 14.704  0.000    0.442    0.585
#> 3         M  ~        X        a  0.481 0.028 17.117  0.000    0.425    0.532
#> 4         X ~~        X           1.059 0.049 21.539  0.000    0.979    1.148
#> 5         Y ~~        Y           0.554 0.029 19.264  0.000    0.490    0.607
#> 6         M ~~        M           0.756 0.032 23.389  0.000    0.693    0.820
#> 7         Y ~1                   -0.013 0.027 -0.473  0.636   -0.065    0.056
#> 8         M ~1                   -0.022 0.030 -0.744  0.457   -0.077    0.044
#> 9         X ~1                    0.002 0.036  0.069  0.945   -0.072    0.074
#> 10 indirect :=      a*b indirect  0.246 0.021 11.476  0.000    0.202    0.286
#> 11   direct :=       cp   direct  0.234 0.030  7.682  0.000    0.169    0.287
#> 12    total := cp+(a*b)    total  0.479 0.030 16.001  0.000    0.417    0.547



Variables Values Notes
R 1000 Number of Monte Carlo replications.
B 1000 Number of bootstrap samples.
benchmark_fiml_01 <- microbenchmark(
  MC = {
    fit <- sem(
      data = df,
      model = model,
      missing = "fiml"
      R = R,
      decomposition = "chol",
      pd = FALSE
  NB = sem(
    data = df,
    model = model,
    missing = "fiml",
    se = "bootstrap",
    bootstrap = B
  times = 10

Summary of Benchmark Results

summary(benchmark_fiml_01, unit = "ms")
#>   expr         min         lq        mean      median          uq        max
#> 1   MC    95.89197    96.7803    98.06269    98.19388    98.56353   101.4341
#> 2   NB 42194.33933 43071.0054 43234.37430 43114.74788 43329.30803 44231.6592
#>   neval
#> 1    10
#> 2    10

Summary of Benchmark Results Relative to the Faster Method

summary(benchmark_fiml_01, unit = "relative")
#>   expr      min      lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> 1   MC   1.0000   1.000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000   1.0000    10
#> 2   NB 440.0195 445.039 440.8851 439.0778 439.6079 436.0629    10


Benchmark - Monte Carlo Method with Precalculated Estimates

fit <- sem(
  data = df,
  model = model,
  missing = "fiml"
benchmark_fiml_02 <- microbenchmark(
  MC = MC(
    R = R,
    decomposition = "chol",
    pd = FALSE
  NB = sem(
    data = df,
    model = model,
    missing = "fiml",
    se = "bootstrap",
    bootstrap = B
  times = 10

Summary of Benchmark Results

summary(benchmark_fiml_02, unit = "ms")
#>   expr         min          lq        mean      median         uq         max
#> 1   MC    17.52317    18.57025    19.70215    18.91496    21.4297    21.90161
#> 2   NB 42358.98395 42655.59248 42934.16664 42819.97489 43103.0437 44000.41790
#>   neval
#> 1    10
#> 2    10

Summary of Benchmark Results Relative to the Faster Method

summary(benchmark_fiml_02, unit = "relative")
#>   expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#> 1   MC    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    1.000    10
#> 2   NB 2417.313 2296.985 2179.161 2263.816 2011.369 2009.004    10



Pesigan, I. J. A., & Cheung, S. F. (2023). Monte Carlo confidence intervals for the indirect effect with missing data. Behavior Research Methods, 56(3), 1678–1696.