Print Method for an Object of Class mc
# S3 method for class 'mc'
print(x, ...)
object <- lm(QUALITY ~ NARTIC + PCTGRT + PCTSUPP, data = nas1982)
mc <- MC(object, R = 100)
#> Call:
#> MC(object = object, R = 100)
#> The first set of simulated parameter estimates
#> and model-implied covariance matrix.
#> $coef
#> [1] 0.10079529 0.27133940 0.07363866
#> $sigmasq
#> [1] 17.48585
#> $vechsigmacapx
#> [1] 3785.9575 573.7654 595.5459 310.5671 159.4021 616.1660
#> $sigmacapx
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 3785.9575 573.7654 595.5459
#> [2,] 573.7654 310.5671 159.4021
#> [3,] 595.5459 159.4021 616.1660
#> $sigmaysq
#> [1] 128.7523
#> $sigmayx
#> [1] 581.1470 153.8401 148.6539
#> $sigmacap
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
#> [1,] 128.7523 581.1470 153.8401 148.6539
#> [2,] 581.1470 3785.9575 573.7654 595.5459
#> [3,] 153.8401 573.7654 310.5671 159.4021
#> [4,] 148.6539 595.5459 159.4021 616.1660
#> $pd
#> [1] TRUE