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#> R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.10.0
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> time zone: Etc/UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] cTMed_0.9.1
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] compiler_4.4.1  tools_4.4.1     Rcpp_1.0.12     rProject_0.0.13
#> [5] knitr_1.47      xfun_0.45       evaluate_0.24.0


installed.packages()[, c("Package", "Version")]
#>                 Package           Version     
#> cTMed           "cTMed"           "0.9.1"     
#> pkgload         "pkgload"         "1.4.0"     
#> roxygen2        "roxygen2"        "7.3.2"     
#> rProject        "rProject"        "0.0.13"    
#> tinytex         "tinytex"         "0.51.1"    
#> abind           "abind"           "1.4-5"     
#> arrow           "arrow"           "16.1.0"    
#> ash             "ash"             "1.0-15"    
#> AsioHeaders     "AsioHeaders"     "1.22.1-2"  
#> askpass         "askpass"         "1.2.0"     
#> assertthat      "assertthat"      "0.2.1"     
#> backports       "backports"       "1.5.0"     
#> base64enc       "base64enc"       "0.1-3"     
#> betaDelta       "betaDelta"       ""
#> betaMC          "betaMC"          ""
#> betaNB          "betaNB"          ""
#> betaSandwich    "betaSandwich"    ""
#> BH              "BH"              "1.84.0-0"  
#> bibtex          "bibtex"          "0.5.1"     
#> BiocManager     "BiocManager"     "1.30.23"   
#> bit             "bit"             "4.0.5"     
#> bit64           "bit64"           "4.0.5"     
#> bitops          "bitops"          "1.0-7"     
#> blob            "blob"            "1.2.4"     
#> brew            "brew"            "1.0-10"    
#> brio            "brio"            "1.1.5"     
#> broom           "broom"           "1.0.6"     
#> bslib           "bslib"           "0.7.0"     
#> cachem          "cachem"          "1.1.0"     
#> callr           "callr"           "3.7.6"     
#> car             "car"             "3.1-2"     
#> caracas         "caracas"         "2.1.1"     
#> carData         "carData"         "3.0-5"     
#> cellranger      "cellranger"      "1.1.0"     
#> cffr            "cffr"            "1.0.1"     
#> checkmate       "checkmate"       "2.3.1"     
#> cli             "cli"             ""
#> clipr           "clipr"           "0.8.0"     
#> clock           "clock"           "0.7.0"     
#> coda            "coda"            "0.19-4.1"  
#> cOde            "cOde"            "1.1.1"     
#> collections     "collections"     "0.3.7"     
#> colorspace      "colorspace"      "2.1-0"     
#> commonmark      "commonmark"      "1.9.1"     
#> conflicted      "conflicted"      "1.2.0"     
#> corpcor         "corpcor"         "1.6.10"    
#> covr            "covr"            "3.6.4"     
#> cowplot         "cowplot"         "1.1.3"     
#> cpp11           "cpp11"           "0.4.7"     
#> crayon          "crayon"          "1.5.3"     
#> credentials     "credentials"     "2.0.1"     
#> crosstalk       "crosstalk"       "1.2.1"     
#> cTMed           "cTMed"           "0.9.1"     
#> ctsem           "ctsem"           "3.10.0"    
#> curl            "curl"            "5.2.1"     
#> cyclocomp       "cyclocomp"       "1.1.1"     
#> data.table      "data.table"      "1.15.4"    
#> DBI             "DBI"             "1.2.3"     
#> dbplyr          "dbplyr"          "2.5.0"     
#> Deriv           "Deriv"           "4.1.3"     
#> desc            "desc"            "1.4.3"     
#> deSolve         "deSolve"         "1.40"      
#> devtools        "devtools"        ""
#> diagram         "diagram"         "1.6.5"     
#> dials           "dials"           "1.2.1"     
#> DiceDesign      "DiceDesign"      "1.10"      
#> diffobj         "diffobj"         "0.3.5"     
#> digest          "digest"          "0.6.36"    
#> distributional  "distributional"  "0.4.0"     
#> distro          "distro"          "0.1.0"     
#> doBy            "doBy"            "4.6.22"    
#> docopt          "docopt"          "0.7.1"     
#> doFuture        "doFuture"        "1.0.1"     
#> downlit         "downlit"         "0.4.4"     
#> dplyr           "dplyr"           "1.1.4"     
#> DT              "DT"              "0.33"      
#> dtplyr          "dtplyr"          "1.3.1"     
#> duckdb          "duckdb"          "1.0.0"     
#> dynr            "dynr"            "0.1.16-105"
#> dynUtils        "dynUtils"        "0.9.1"     
#> ellipse         "ellipse"         "0.5.0"     
#> ellipsis        "ellipsis"        "0.3.2"     
#> evaluate        "evaluate"        "0.24.0"    
#> expm            "expm"            "0.999-9"   
#> fansi           "fansi"           "1.0.6"     
#> farver          "farver"          "2.1.2"     
#> fastDummies     "fastDummies"     "1.7.3"     
#> fastmap         "fastmap"         "1.2.0"     
#> fclust          "fclust"          ""   
#> fda             "fda"             "6.1.8"     
#> fdrtool         "fdrtool"         "1.2.17"    
#> fds             "fds"             "1.8"       
#> FNN             "FNN"             "1.1.4"     
#> fontawesome     "fontawesome"     "0.5.2"     
#> forcats         "forcats"         "1.0.0"     
#> foreach         "foreach"         "1.5.2"     
#> Formula         "Formula"         "1.2-5"     
#> fs              "fs"              "1.6.4"     
#> fst             "fst"             "0.9.8"     
#> fstcore         "fstcore"         "0.9.18"    
#> furrr           "furrr"           "0.3.1"     
#> future          "future"          "1.33.2"    
#> future.apply    "future.apply"    "1.11.2"    
#> gargle          "gargle"          "1.5.2"     
#> generics        "generics"        "0.1.3"     
#> gert            "gert"            "2.0.1"     
#> ggplot2         "ggplot2"         "3.5.1"     
#> ggrepel         "ggrepel"         "0.9.5"     
#> gh              "gh"              "1.4.1"     
#> gitcreds        "gitcreds"        "0.1.2"     
#> glasso          "glasso"          "1.11"      
#> glmnet          "glmnet"          "4.1-8"     
#> globals         "globals"         "0.16.3"    
#> glue            "glue"            "1.7.0"     
#> googledrive     "googledrive"     "2.1.1"     
#> googlesheets4   "googlesheets4"   "1.1.1"     
#> gower           "gower"           "1.0.1"     
#> GPfit           "GPfit"           "1.0-8"     
#> gridExtra       "gridExtra"       "2.3"       
#> gsubfn          "gsubfn"          "0.7"       
#> gtable          "gtable"          "0.3.5"     
#> gtools          "gtools"          "3.9.5"     
#> hardhat         "hardhat"         "1.4.0"     
#> haven           "haven"           "2.5.4"     
#> hdrcde          "hdrcde"          "3.4"       
#> here            "here"            "1.0.1"     
#> highr           "highr"           "0.11"      
#> Hmisc           "Hmisc"           "5.1-3"     
#> hms             "hms"             "1.1.3"     
#> htmlTable       "htmlTable"       "2.4.2"     
#> htmltools       "htmltools"       ""   
#> htmlwidgets     "htmlwidgets"     "1.6.4"     
#> httpgd          "httpgd"          "2.0.2"     
#> httpuv          "httpuv"          "1.6.15"    
#> httr            "httr"            "1.4.7"     
#> httr2           "httr2"           "1.0.1"     
#> ids             "ids"             "1.0.1"     
#> ifaTools        "ifaTools"        "0.23"      
#> igraph          "igraph"          "2.0.3"     
#> infer           "infer"           "1.0.7"     
#> ini             "ini"             "0.3.1"     
#> inline          "inline"          "0.3.19"    
#> ipred           "ipred"           "0.9-14"    
#> isoband         "isoband"         "0.2.7"     
#> iterators       "iterators"       "1.0.14"    
#> jomo            "jomo"            "2.7-6"     
#> jpeg            "jpeg"            "0.1-10"    
#> jquerylib       "jquerylib"       "0.1.4"     
#> jsonlite        "jsonlite"        "1.8.8"     
#> jsonvalidate    "jsonvalidate"    "1.3.2"     
#> kernlab         "kernlab"         "0.9-32"    
#> knitr           "knitr"           "1.47"      
#> ks              "ks"              "1.14.2"    
#> labeling        "labeling"        "0.4.3"     
#> Lahman          "Lahman"          "11.0-0"    
#> languageserver  "languageserver"  "0.3.16"    
#> later           "later"           "1.3.2"     
#> latex2exp       "latex2exp"       "0.9.6"     
#> lava            "lava"            "1.8.0"     
#> lavaan          "lavaan"          "0.6-18"    
#> lazyeval        "lazyeval"        "0.2.2"     
#> lhs             "lhs"             "1.1.6"     
#> lifecycle       "lifecycle"       "1.0.4"     
#> lintr           "lintr"           "3.1.2"     
#> listenv         "listenv"         "0.9.1"     
#> littler         "littler"         "0.3.20"    
#> lme4            "lme4"            "1.1-35.4"  
#> locfit          "locfit"          "1.5-9.10"  
#> longMI          "longMI"          "1.0.0"     
#> loo             "loo"             "2.7.0"     
#> lubridate       "lubridate"       "1.9.3"     
#> magick          "magick"          "2.8.3"     
#> magrittr        "magrittr"        "2.0.3"     
#> markdown        "markdown"        "1.13"      
#> MatrixModels    "MatrixModels"    "0.5-3"     
#> matrixStats     "matrixStats"     "1.3.0"     
#> mclust          "mclust"          "6.1.1"     
#> memoise         "memoise"         "2.0.1"     
#> metaSEM         "metaSEM"         "1.4.0"     
#> mice            "mice"            "3.16.0"    
#> microbenchmark  "microbenchmark"  "1.4.10"    
#> mime            "mime"            "0.12"      
#> miniUI          "miniUI"          ""   
#> minqa           "minqa"           "1.2.7"     
#> mitml           "mitml"           "0.4-5"     
#> mize            "mize"            "0.2.4"     
#> mnormt          "mnormt"          "2.1.1"     
#> modeldata       "modeldata"       "1.4.0"     
#> modelenv        "modelenv"        "0.1.1"     
#> modelr          "modelr"          "0.1.11"    
#> MplusAutomation "MplusAutomation" "1.1.1"     
#> multicool       "multicool"       "1.0.1"     
#> munsell         "munsell"         "0.5.1"     
#> mvtnorm         "mvtnorm"         "1.2-5"     
#> nloptr          "nloptr"          "2.1.1"     
#> numDeriv        "numDeriv"        "2016.8-1.1"
#> nycflights13    "nycflights13"    "1.0.2"     
#> OpenMx          "OpenMx"          "2.21.11"   
#> openssl         "openssl"         "2.2.0"     
#> ordinal         "ordinal"         "2023.12-4" 
#> pan             "pan"             "1.9"       
#> pander          "pander"          "0.6.5"     
#> parallelly      "parallelly"      "1.37.1"    
#> parsnip         "parsnip"         "1.2.1"     
#> patchwork       "patchwork"       "1.2.0"     
#> pbapply         "pbapply"         "1.7-2"     
#> pbivnorm        "pbivnorm"        "0.6.0"     
#> pbkrtest        "pbkrtest"        "0.5.2"     
#> pcaPP           "pcaPP"           "2.0-4"     
#> pdftools        "pdftools"        "3.4.0"     
#> pillar          "pillar"          "1.9.0"     
#> pkgbuild        "pkgbuild"        "1.4.4"     
#> pkgconfig       "pkgconfig"       "2.0.3"     
#> pkgdown         "pkgdown"         "2.0.9"     
#> pkgload         "pkgload"         "1.3.4"     
#> plogr           "plogr"           "0.2.0"     
#> plyr            "plyr"            "1.8.9"     
#> png             "png"             "0.1-8"     
#> posterior       "posterior"       "1.5.0"     
#> pracma          "pracma"          "2.4.4"     
#> praise          "praise"          "1.0.0"     
#> prettyunits     "prettyunits"     "1.2.0"     
#> printr          "printr"          "0.3"       
#> processx        "processx"        "3.8.4"     
#> prodlim         "prodlim"         "2023.08.28"
#> profvis         "profvis"         "0.3.8"     
#> progress        "progress"        "1.2.3"     
#> progressr       "progressr"       "0.14.0"    
#> promises        "promises"        "1.3.0"     
#> proto           "proto"           "1.0.0"     
#> ps              "ps"              "1.7.6"     
#> psych           "psych"           "2.4.3"     
#> purrr           "purrr"           "1.0.2"     
#> qgraph          "qgraph"          "1.9.8"     
#> qpdf            "qpdf"            "1.3.3"     
#> quadprog        "quadprog"        "1.5-8"     
#> quantreg        "quantreg"        "5.98"      
#> quarto          "quarto"          "1.4"       
#> QuickJSR        "QuickJSR"        "1.2.2"     
#> R.cache         "R.cache"         "0.16.0"    
#> R.methodsS3     "R.methodsS3"     "1.8.2"     
#> R.oo            "R.oo"            "1.26.0"    
#> R.utils         "R.utils"         "2.12.3"    
#> R6              "R6"              "2.5.1"     
#> ragg            "ragg"            "1.3.2"     
#> rainbow         "rainbow"         "3.8"       
#> rappdirs        "rappdirs"        "0.3.3"     
#> rbibutils       "rbibutils"       "2.2.16"    
#> rcmdcheck       "rcmdcheck"       "1.4.0"     
#> RColorBrewer    "RColorBrewer"    "1.1-3"     
#> Rcpp            "Rcpp"            "1.0.12"    
#> RcppArmadillo   "RcppArmadillo"   ""
#> RcppEigen       "RcppEigen"       "" 
#> RcppGSL         "RcppGSL"         "0.3.13"    
#> RcppParallel    "RcppParallel"    "5.1.7"     
#> RcppTOML        "RcppTOML"        "0.2.2"     
#> RCurl           "RCurl"           "1.98-1.14" 
#> Rdpack          "Rdpack"          "2.6"       
#> readr           "readr"           "2.1.5"     
#> readxl          "readxl"          "1.4.3"     
#> recipes         "recipes"         "1.0.10"    
#> RefManageR      "RefManageR"      "1.4.0"     
#> rematch         "rematch"         "2.0.0"     
#> rematch2        "rematch2"        "2.1.2"     
#> remotes         "remotes"         "2.5.0"     
#> reprex          "reprex"          "2.1.0"     
#> reshape2        "reshape2"        "1.4.4"     
#> reticulate      "reticulate"      "1.38.0"    
#> rex             "rex"             "1.2.1"     
#> rhub            "rhub"            "2.0.0"     
#> rlang           "rlang"           "1.1.4"     
#> RMariaDB        "RMariaDB"        "1.3.2"     
#> rmarkdown       "rmarkdown"       "2.27"      
#> roxygen2        "roxygen2"        "7.3.1"     
#> rpf             "rpf"             "1.0.14"    
#> RPostgres       "RPostgres"       "1.4.7"     
#> rProject        "rProject"        "0.0.13"    
#> rprojroot       "rprojroot"       "2.0.4"     
#> rsample         "rsample"         "1.2.1"     
#> RSQLite         "RSQLite"         "2.3.7"     
#> rstan           "rstan"           "2.32.6"    
#> rstantools      "rstantools"      "2.4.0"     
#> rstudioapi      "rstudioapi"      "0.16.0"    
#> rversions       "rversions"       "2.1.2"     
#> rvest           "rvest"           "1.0.4"     
#> Ryacas          "Ryacas"          "1.1.5"     
#> sass            "sass"            "0.4.9"     
#> scales          "scales"          "1.3.0"     
#> selectr         "selectr"         "0.4-2"     
#> semlbci         "semlbci"         "0.11.2"    
#> semmcci         "semmcci"         ""
#> sessioninfo     "sessioninfo"     "1.2.2"     
#> shape           "shape"           ""   
#> shiny           "shiny"           ""   
#> simStateSpace   "simStateSpace"   ""
#> slider          "slider"          "0.3.1"     
#> snow            "snow"            "0.4-4"     
#> snowfall        "snowfall"        "1.84-6.3"  
#> sourcetools     "sourcetools"     "0.1.7-1"   
#> SparseM         "SparseM"         "1.83"      
#> SQUAREM         "SQUAREM"         "2021.1"    
#> StanHeaders     "StanHeaders"     "2.32.9"    
#> statmod         "statmod"         "1.5.0"     
#> stringi         "stringi"         "1.8.4"     
#> stringr         "stringr"         "1.5.1"     
#> styler          "styler"          "1.10.3"    
#> symSEM          "symSEM"          "0.4"       
#> sys             "sys"             "3.4.2"     
#> systemfonts     "systemfonts"     "1.1.0"     
#> tensorA         "tensorA"         ""  
#> testthat        "testthat"        ""
#> texreg          "texreg"          "1.39.3"    
#> textshaping     "textshaping"     "0.4.0"     
#> tibble          "tibble"          "3.2.1"     
#> tidymodels      "tidymodels"      "1.2.0"     
#> tidyr           "tidyr"           "1.3.1"     
#> tidyselect      "tidyselect"      "1.2.1"     
#> tidyverse       "tidyverse"       "2.0.0"     
#> timechange      "timechange"      "0.3.0"     
#> timeDate        "timeDate"        "4032.109"  
#> tinytex         "tinytex"         "0.51.1"    
#> tune            "tune"            "1.2.1"     
#> tzdb            "tzdb"            "0.4.0"     
#> ucminf          "ucminf"          "1.2.2"     
#> unigd           "unigd"           "0.1.2"     
#> urlchecker      "urlchecker"      "1.0.1"     
#> usethis         "usethis"         "2.2.3"     
#> utf8            "utf8"            "1.2.4"     
#> uuid            "uuid"            "1.2-0"     
#> V8              "V8"              "4.4.2"     
#> vctrs           "vctrs"           "0.6.5"     
#> viridis         "viridis"         "0.6.5"     
#> viridisLite     "viridisLite"     "0.4.2"     
#> vroom           "vroom"           "1.6.5"     
#> waldo           "waldo"           "0.5.2"     
#> warp            "warp"            "0.2.1"     
#> whisker         "whisker"         "0.4.1"     
#> whoami          "whoami"          "1.3.0"     
#> withr           "withr"           "3.0.0"     
#> workflows       "workflows"       "1.1.4"     
#> workflowsets    "workflowsets"    "1.1.0"     
#> xfun            "xfun"            "0.45"      
#> xml2            "xml2"            "1.3.6"     
#> xmlparsedata    "xmlparsedata"    "1.0.5"     
#> xopen           "xopen"           "1.0.1"     
#> xtable          "xtable"          "1.8-4"     
#> yaml            "yaml"            "2.3.8"     
#> yardstick       "yardstick"       "1.3.1"     
#> zip             "zip"             "2.3.1"     
#> base            "base"            "4.4.1"     
#> boot            "boot"            "1.3-30"    
#> class           "class"           "7.3-22"    
#> cluster         "cluster"         "2.1.6"     
#> codetools       "codetools"       "0.2-20"    
#> compiler        "compiler"        "4.4.1"     
#> datasets        "datasets"        "4.4.1"     
#> foreign         "foreign"         "0.8-86"    
#> graphics        "graphics"        "4.4.1"     
#> grDevices       "grDevices"       "4.4.1"     
#> grid            "grid"            "4.4.1"     
#> KernSmooth      "KernSmooth"      "2.23-24"   
#> lattice         "lattice"         "0.22-6"    
#> MASS            "MASS"            "7.3-60.2"  
#> Matrix          "Matrix"          "1.7-0"     
#> methods         "methods"         "4.4.1"     
#> mgcv            "mgcv"            "1.9-1"     
#> nlme            "nlme"            "3.1-164"   
#> nnet            "nnet"            "7.3-19"    
#> parallel        "parallel"        "4.4.1"     
#> rpart           "rpart"           "4.1.23"    
#> spatial         "spatial"         "7.3-17"    
#> splines         "splines"         "4.4.1"     
#> stats           "stats"           "4.4.1"     
#> stats4          "stats4"          "4.4.1"     
#> survival        "survival"        "3.6-4"     
#> tcltk           "tcltk"           "4.4.1"     
#> tools           "tools"           "4.4.1"     
#> utils           "utils"           "4.4.1"


#> Architecture:                       x86_64
#> CPU op-mode(s):                     32-bit, 64-bit
#> Address sizes:                      46 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
#> Byte Order:                         Little Endian
#> CPU(s):                             24
#> On-line CPU(s) list:                0-23
#> Vendor ID:                          GenuineIntel
#> Model name:                         Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz
#> CPU family:                         6
#> Model:                              79
#> Thread(s) per core:                 1
#> Core(s) per socket:                 12
#> Socket(s):                          2
#> Stepping:                           1
#> CPU max MHz:                        2900.0000
#> CPU min MHz:                        1200.0000
#> BogoMIPS:                           4389.65
#> Flags:                              fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl smx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg fma cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid dca sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm abm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault epb cat_l3 cdp_l3 invpcid_single pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp fsgsbase tsc_adjust bmi1 hle avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid rtm cqm rdt_a rdseed adx smap intel_pt xsaveopt cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc cqm_mbm_total cqm_mbm_local dtherm ida arat pln pts md_clear flush_l1d
#> L1d cache:                          768 KiB (24 instances)
#> L1i cache:                          768 KiB (24 instances)
#> L2 cache:                           6 MiB (24 instances)
#> L3 cache:                           60 MiB (2 instances)
#> NUMA node(s):                       2
#> NUMA node0 CPU(s):                  0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22
#> NUMA node1 CPU(s):                  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23
#> Vulnerability Gather data sampling: Not affected
#> Vulnerability Itlb multihit:        KVM: Mitigation: VMX unsupported
#> Vulnerability L1tf:                 Mitigation; PTE Inversion
#> Vulnerability Mds:                  Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled
#> Vulnerability Meltdown:             Mitigation; PTI
#> Vulnerability Mmio stale data:      Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled
#> Vulnerability Retbleed:             Not affected
#> Vulnerability Spec rstack overflow: Not affected
#> Vulnerability Spec store bypass:    Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl
#> Vulnerability Spectre v1:           Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization
#> Vulnerability Spectre v2:           Mitigation; Retpolines, IBPB conditional, IBRS_FW, RSB filling, PBRSB-eIBRS Not affected
#> Vulnerability Srbds:                Not affected
#> Vulnerability Tsx async abort:      Mitigation; Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled


#>                total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
#> Mem:           125Gi       3.0Gi       6.5Gi       4.7Gi       116Gi       117Gi
#> Swap:             0B          0B          0B
#> Total:         125Gi       3.0Gi       6.5Gi